Algemene filter: Enkel innames met status: concreet gepland, in uitvoering, lopende
Elke rij is één occurence van een inname, deze worden in de toekomst berekend tot vb. 2100 (zelfde als in de back-end)
Attribuut | Type (bold = zoekbaar) | Berekening / Filtering | Opmerkingen / voorbeeld |
ID | varchar (PK) | gipodId-[occurence ID] | |
gipodId | integer | ||
URI | varchar |
| |
geometry | Geometry (MultiPolygon) | Unie van inname zones
| |
pointOnSurface | Geometry (Point) | ||
description | |||
reference | |||
type | varchar | Label (Werk / Evenement / grondwerk) | |
typeId | varchar | | |
publicDomainOccupancyTypes | text | Regel per Type (newline) | Type1 |
status | varchar | Enkel innames met status: concreet gepland, in uitvoering, lopende | |
statusId | varchar | Verwijziging naar taxonomie | |
start | datetime | ||
end | datetime | ||
timeSchedule (basis tekstje) | text | Tonen zoals in huidige WMS (wederkerigheid)
| |
owner | varchar | ||
ownerId | varchar |
| |
contactOrganisations | text | Als tekst, 1 regel per contactgegeven: Rol: Organisatie, Naam, E-mail, Telefoon, URL | |
consequences | text | Regel per hinder | |
groundworkCategory | varchar | Enkel bij grondwerken, anders null | |
groundworkCategoryId | varchar |
| |
groundworkSpecification | text | Regel per specificatie | |
groundworkPartOfTrenchSynergy | text | Regel per Ssyn | |
createdOn | datetime | ||
lastModifiedOn | datetime | ||
osloJson | JSON (text) | Oslo detail (zonder niet-publieke informatie) | Referenties (taxonomie, …) verwijzen naar absolute url’s onder Grondwerk (analoog voor werk en evenement):
"@context": "https://private-gipod.api.gipod.[test-/beta-]vlaanderen.be/api/v1/context/enriched/public-domain-occupancy.jsonld", "@id": "/api/v1/groundworks/10045378", "@type": "Groundwork", "gipodId": 10045378, "identifier": [ { "@type": "Identifier", "identifier": { "value": "10045378", "type": "gipodId" }, "assignedByName": "https://gipod.vlaanderen.be " }, { "@type": "Identifier", "identifier": { "value": "Reference of the groundwork Postman", "type": "reference" }, "assignedByName": "Agentschap Informatie Vlaanderen" } ], "description": "Description of the groundwork Postman",
"url": [ "https://www.groundwork.vlaanderenPostman.be" ], "publicDomainOccupancyType": [ { "@id": "/api/v1/taxonomies/public-domain-occupancy/types/a5e42efa-3d68-4e53-9fd6-31387d3f0f1f", "prefLabel": "Thermisch" }, { "@id": "/api/v1/taxonomies/public-domain-occupancy/types/a486a968-e498-4708-8820-901686f0712f", "prefLabel": "Elektriciteit" } ], "specification": [ { "@id": "/api/v1/taxonomies/public-domain-occupancy/specifications/57438692-f1e3-4010-a1c8-725f42b85f56", "prefLabel": "(her)aanleg" }, { "@id": "/api/v1/taxonomies/public-domain-occupancy/specifications/bcb16725-0dd0-4c29-9384-c12e1c0eb3a9", "prefLabel": "boring" } ], "category": { "@id": "/api/v1/taxonomies/public-domain-occupancy/groundworkcategories/1cf4ebfb-8702-4fc3-a1b1-9b22c3b909f9", "prefLabel": "Categorie 2" }, "owner": { "@id": "/api/v1/organisations/9c5926df-195d-01be-a40a-360bcd21d662", "@type": "Organisation", "preferredName": "Agentschap Informatie Vlaanderen" }, "contactOrganisation": [ { "@id": "/api/v1/groundworks/10045378/contactorganisations/2ec9d246-dfb1-4b0c-99e2-549915826673", -> contactOrganisatie details volledig mee opgenomen (enkel publieke) "@type": "ContactOrganisationInRole", "role": { "@id": "/api/v1/taxonomies/contactroles/aad5e947-f7bf-4592-a84a-f591555b0b8b", "prefLabel": "Dossierbeheerder" } ], "period": { "@type": "PeriodWithDuration", "start": "2022-01-01T14:00:00Z", "end": "2022-01-04T14:00:00Z", "duration": null }, "estimatedDuration": { "value": "1", "type": "xs:int" },
"status": { "@id": "/api/v1/taxonomies/statuses/b96e6ec6-58f1-4a51-ab92-f0ce462476a7", "prefLabel": "Niet-concreet gepland" }, "zone": [ { "@id": "/api/v1/groundworks/10045378/zones/cd2b5148-caee-437e-ad47-db201c1eb83d", "@type": "Zone", "geometry": { "@type": "Geometry", "wkt": "POLYGON ((122980.5 183762, 122973.5 183742.75, 123007 183740.5, 122980.5 183762))" }, "zoneType": { "@id": "/api/v1/taxonomies/zonetypes/6ee12839-8002-4f51-b509-4000b4a29b44", "prefLabel": "GrondwerkZone" }, "pointOnSurface": { "@type": "Geometry", "wkt": "POINT (122984.6816860465 183752.375)" }, "nisCodes": [ "41034" ] } ], "addressRepresentation": null,
"isPartOfTrenchSynergy": [], "publicDomain": true,
"lastModifiedOn": "2021-11-18T14:25:11.2223785Z", "lastModifiedBy": { "@id": "/api/v1/organisations/9c5926df-195d-01be-a40a-360bcd21d662", "@type": "Organisation", "preferredName": "Agentschap Informatie Vlaanderen" }, "createdOn": "2021-11-18T14:25:11.216359Z", "createdBy": { "@id": "/api/v1/organisations/9c5926df-195d-01be-a40a-360bcd21d662", "@type": "Organisation", "preferredName": "Agentschap Informatie Vlaanderen" } } |