Version | Datum | Release notes |
1.11.2 | 21/03/2022 21/03/2022 21/03/2022 | SUMMARY |
1.11.1 | 20/03/2022 13/03/2022 9/03/2022 | SUMMARY |
1.11.0 | 16/02/2022 09/02/2022 01/02/2022 | SUMMARY BUGFIX CreatedOn and CreatedBy data was incorrect for new request for groundworks (calculated by GIPOD system) Notification “SV aangevraagd in uw gemeente” didn’t expire when the signaling permit was deleted, this is now fixed
1.10.10 1.10.11 | 08/02/2023 08/02/2023 08/02/2023  | HOTFIX |
1.10.9 | 23/12/2022 23/12/2022 22/12/2022  | HOTFIX |
1.10.4 | 1/12/2022 1/12/2022 1/12/2022  | HOTFIX |
1.10.3 | 30/11/2022 30/11/2022 30/11/2022  | HOTFIX |
1.10.2 | 29/11/2022 29/11/2022 29/11/2022  | HOTFIX |
1.10.1 | 24/11/2022 24/11/2022 24/11/2022 | HOTFIX |
1.10.0 | 22/11/2022 17/11/2022 10/11/2022 | SUMMARY Added History endpoints for Groundwork, Work and Events Internal preparations for migrating away from Geosecure Block request for groundworks for groundworks with no attachments Calculation of domain administrators for request for groundworks is now based on GRB and Wegenregister, fixing an issue that groundworks on the side of regional roads weren’t correctly dispatched to the domain administrator (AWV). Added caching to mobility hindrance LDES endpoint Improved stability to authentication mechanism
ADDED CALLS “GET /api/v1/events/{gipodId}/history": Get the history of changes to an event “GET /api/v1/groundworks/{gipodId}/history": Get the history of changes to a groundwork “GET /api/v1/works/{gipodId}/history": Get the history of changes to work
UPDATED CALLS “POST /api/v1/groundworks/{gipodId}/request-for-groundworks”: validation added, this call will now fail if there are no attachments on the groundwork “POST /api/v1/trench-synergies/{gipodId}/request-for-groundworks”: validation added, this call will now fail if there are no attachments on any groundwork in the synergy
1.9.1 | 20/09/2022 20/09/2022 19/09/2022 | SUMMARY |
1.9.0 | 16/09/2022 15/09/2022 23/08/2022 | SUMMARY Add ready for request for groundwork Mark contact as “request for groundwork”-contact Mark attachment as “request for groundweork”-attachment Rename property “reasonStatusNoAgreement” to “reasonStatus” on request for groundworks Improve definitions in notifications type taxonomy
ADDED CALLS “GET /api/v1/taxonomies/context-tags“: Taxonomy for context-tags. “POST /api/v2/groundworks/{gipodId}/attachments”: Version 2 endpoint to upload groundwork attachments. This endpoint allows to add context-tags to an attachment. “PUT /api/v1/groundworks/{gipodId}/attachments/{attachmentId}/context-tags”: Add or update context-tags of an existing groundwork attachment. Only this context-tag is possible for the moment GET /api/v1/taxonomies/context-tags/17709a38-2019-4172-b77f-dfbc3509928e .
UPDATED CALLS GET / POST / PATCH groundworks now includes an element “IsReadyRequestForGroundwork” indicating that the groundwork is ready to be sent out to domain administrators. Search public domain occupancies: You can now search Groundworks that are marked as ready for request for groundwork. When adding or updating a contactorganisation for groundworks, there is now the possibility to add context-tags to the contactinformation. This context-tag is possible for the moment “GET /api/v1/taxonomies/context-tags/17709a38-2019-4172-b77f-dfbc3509928e ". This context-tag is indicating the contactinformation is relevant for request for groundworks. For a contactorganisation with role “Verantwoordelijke vraag voor grondwerken“ this context-tag is set automatically, all old contact data have been updated. “GET, PATCH /api/v1/request-for-groundworks/{gipodId}”: The element “reasonStatusNoAgreement” has been removed and replaced by element “reasonStatus”. Warning, this is a breaking change!
GET notificationtypes taxonomy: the definitions of the notification types have been improved
1.8.0 | 04/07/2022 30/06/2022 29/06/2022 | SUMMARY Mails and mail subscriptions for notifications OSLO improvements for LDES Added LDES feed for mobility-hindrance Data cleanup for Hinderpremie
ADDED CALLS Mail subscriptions : Create, modify, delete, get and search mail subscriptions LDES: LDES endpoints to get mobility hindrance feed
UPDATED CALLS BUGFIXES In some rare timezone related cases create and edit of a groundwork, a work or an event could result in an invalid status/period combination. We improved the validation. Related to this invalid status/period combination, users could receive an incorrect notification Related to this invalid status/period combination, some notifications never disappeared after resolving the status or period/timeschedule. During the initial Gipod release, some data of the old platform was mapped to an unsatisfactory state. This caused issues for VLAIO Hinderpremie. No new data was harmed during this operation!
1.7.1 | 28/03/2022 25/03/2022 25/03/2022 | SUMMARY Improved order of the notification types taxonomy. Improvements to the OSLO context. Etag and Ifmatch support improved.
BUGFIXES The notification for Approved or Rejected signaling permit request would break the notifications in some rare cases. Many bugfixes to De Lijn-impact. Calculations should now run smooth as a bus. Searching for notifications with the full tree or a subtree of notification types now yields results.
1.7.0 | 10/02/2022 04/02/2022 03/02/2022 | SUMMARY New notifications for request for groundworks (see notification taxonomy) New notification for new signaling permit request (see notification taxonomy) New notifications for request to be added to synergy (see notification taxonomy) Add API for request to be added to synergy Preview: Add API for registering and reading general permits. Api’s for searching and updating will be added in a future release. Improved De Lijn impact calculation and data import Performance improvements on databases
1.6.1 | 16/12/2021 15/12/2021 14/12/2021 | SUMMARY Add missing functionality to manage permit-attachments and permit-urls for Requests for Groundwork Added the option to withdraw a Requests for Groundwork Trying to update Signaling Permits or Mobility Hindrance properties with the current value, will no longer cause an update. No errors will be thrown, the action will just be ignored. Server says no, to unnecessary work.
1.6.0 | 06/12/2021 29/11/2021 25/11/2021 | SUMMARY Add functionality to read, request, update, search and automatically close Requests for Groundwork Integration with GRB Enhancements to Entities Search endpoint All endpoints will cap the precision of WKT-coordinates to 2 decimals
CHANGED CALLS BUGFIXES Some requests result in an incorrect Not Found (404). Improved logging and reworked code in an attempt to catch this volatile bug. Last modified info was not set on some endpoints when the resource was never changed. For consistency this property is now always set.
1.5.1 | 05/11/2021 04/11/2021 04/11/2021 | HOTFIX When using a specific combination of fields to update a Trenchsynergy, some fields were not updated. All patchkeys are once again processed correctly. In some situations when modifying the reference of Event, Groundwork or Work, the reference was not updated but added. This resulted in 2 references. Just like the Highlander, there can be only one!
1.5.0 | 06/10/2021 05/10/2021 01/10/2021 | SUMMARY Add functionality to request and manage for Signaling Permits Add notifications for Signaling Permits Upgrade infrastructure code for better error detecting
1.4.2 | 02/09/2021 02/09/2021 02/09/2021 | HOTFIX |
1.4.1 | 01/09/2021 19/08/2021 19/08/2021 | HOTFIX Search MobilityHindrances (GET): Release 1.4.0 removed sorting from this endpoint. Results are sorted once again! Detail Work / Detail Event (GET): Fixed an error in the documentation. statusFollowsTiming no longer starts with a capital S. GW cat1 min. 30 dagen zonder hinder (hinderpremie) notification never did appear after the introduction in release 1.1.0. This notification has been notified, its vacation is over.
1.4.0 | 19/08/2021 12/08/2021 | SUMMARY Improvement in data quality through better data validation when deleting items Extend search functionality with more parameters and extra details in responses Add security for contractors (Signaling permits) Now the grace period of one month has long ended, we will stop supporting urls not mentioned in this announcement. Please make sure you are using the correct urls.
1.3.1 | 25/06/2021 25/06/2021 | HOTFIX |
1.3.0 | 16/06/2021 07/06/2021 26/05/2021 | SUMMARY BUGFIXES WKT-geometries with a lot of vertices will no longer cause a server error Validation of WKT-geometries was improved: Invalid zones or zones with x,y,z-coordinates were accepted by the service and will now get the correct Bad Request response (400).
1.2.0 | 16/04/2021 16/04/2021 16/04/2021 | SUMMARY New functionality to automatically update the status of a work or an event to follow the timing. CHANGED CALLS
Register event / Register work (POST): An additional parameter status follows timing has been added When providing the value “true” the status will be changed by the Gipod system according to the provided timeschedule/periods. When the parameters is not provided or “null” the system will assume the value to be “true”
Modify event / Modify work (PATCH):The value for status follows period can be adjusted using the patch item with key “StatusFollowsTiming”. Contrary to registering the allowed values are “true” or “false”.
BUGFIXES When registering with an addressId some addresses could not be used. In this release the impacted addressIds are valid again. Improved api documentation for the detail response when Work, Event, Groundwork or Hindrance are deleted.
1.1.3 | 26/03/2021 25/03/2021 | HOTFIX |
1.1.2 | 24/03/2021 23/03/2021 | HOTFIX During the move from the legacy system to the new Gipod, Trenchsynergies did not contain the launching groundwork. This hotfix will check all data and add the missing groundwork where needed. Due to the missing groundwork, the initial trenchsynergy-zone was not correct. This fix will remediate this as well. Any updates to the trenchsynergy-zone after the initial create will not be impacted.
1.1.1 | 12/03/2021 12/03/2021 | HOTFIX Searching with a combination of boundingbox, zone and/or niscode caused an error when the provided boundingbox, zone and/or niscode didn’t describe a common area. Searching with a boundingbox or zone outside Flanders could trigger this same error.
1.1.0 | 01/03/2021 01/03/2021 24/02/2021 | SUMMARY In this release we focused on performance improvements for the various search endpoints. We added a new notification for ‘Hinderpremie’. CHANGED CALLS BUGFIXES Search endpoints did not filter correct on period. A work with period starting on 20/12/2020 00:00 and ending on 21/12/2020 00:00 was returned when querying for public domain occupancies between 21/12/2020 00:00 and 31/12/2020 00:00. As a period is defined as a half-open interval (start moment included, end moment not included) this was not correct and consistent with the other parts of the API.
1.0.5 | 04/02/2021 04/02/2021 | HOTFIX |
1.0.4 | 29/01/2021 29/01/2021 | HOTFIX |
1.0.3 | 27/01/2021 27/01/2021 | HOTFIX |
1.0.2 | 26/01/2021 26/01/2021 | HOTFIX Modify contact information on a trenchsynergy imported from the legacy system, will no longer cause an incorrect ‘NotFound’ error. Remove contact organisation on a trenchsynergy imported from the legacy system, will no longer cause an incorrect ‘NotFound’ error.
1.0.1 | 25/01/2021 25/01/2021 | HOTFIX Resolved bug during removal of a mobility-hindrance zone when the same zone was tried to be removed multiple times. Temporary fix to allow police zones Brugge and Leuven to validate mobility-hindrance.
1.0.0 | 21/01/2021 | New GIPOD API launched. You can view the changes prio to 1.0.0 in the Release notes 0.x.x Archive. |