New Calls
Action | More information | |
Modify a work | | Modify status, period, timeschedule , estimatedDurationDays, description, reference, urls, specification type and public domain occupancy type |
Transfer the pilot of a trench synergy | | It is possible to transfer the pilot of a trench synergy to another organisation that is a participant of the trench synergy. |
Changed Calls
Action | More information | Changes |
Launch trench synergy request (ONLY CHANGED ON BETA ENVIRONMENT) | - | When on the BETA environment the deadlines for a launched groundwork will no longer be the same as production. |
Register a groundwork | | A groundwork of category 2 or 3 can now be registered with a geometry of type Point besides Polygoon and MultiPolygoon. |
Modify a groundwork | | A groundwork of category 2 or 3 can now be modified to a geometry of type Point besides Polygoon and MultiPolygoon |
Modify the zone of groundwork | | The zone of a groundwork of category 2 or 3 can now be modified to a geometry of type Point besides Polygoon and MultiPolygoon |
Modify a public domain occupancy | | Any modification mad to public domain occupancy can be made by anyone in the same organisational structure as the owner of that particular public domain occupancy. |
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